Elementary Band and Orchestra

Elementary Band and Orchestra

Free group lessons for Doyle, Spreckles, and Curie Elementary 5th graders.

Get familiar with Standley before you attend next year

Performances with other Standley Instrumental Groups at our Spring Concert.

Classes held at Standley Middle School Mondays.

+Orchestra (Violin, Viola, Cello) - 4pm to 4:50pm.

+Band (Flute, Clarinet, Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Drums) - 5pm to 5:50pm.

Bring your instruments on the first day!

Classes Start January 13th, 2025!

Questions? Email Mr. Flores - rflores1@sandi.net


Small Print Stuff

Everyday attendance is not mandatory.

Performance is not minatory.

Classes are designed to help future Standley Music Students get a head start on 6th grade music.

Best place to enter the music room is the footpath off of Governor Drive. I will have the gate open for classes. MAP Below.